PHOTO GALLERIES: Namitha wish to appear in Half Saree

Namitha wish to appear in Half Saree


The hot babe Namitha was the cynosure of all eyes in the audio launch of Nil Gavani Ennai Kathalai that held on Sunday at Four Frames theatre. The speakers at the event were praising and admiring Namitha.
namitha in half saree
Buzz up!When Lyricist Snehan came to the stadium, he urged Namitha to wear the traditional costume of Tamil girls, half saree and skirt. "Yes... it is our cultural dress and if Namitha wears this dress, it will become
the favourite dress of young Tamil girls soon", he added. In her reply, Namitha said, "I'm ready and wish to wear the dress mentioned by Snehan. Definitely I will try to wear the same in any one of my future film...".
She was also replied to the allegations made against her for not attending the music launch of her earlier movies. "People should understand that actors too are human beings. There must be a genuine reason when we are not attending events related to a film which we are also a part. We also have health related issues and unavoidable emergencies at home. So please trust us and accept our apologies if we can’t make it to any of the film functions...”

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