PHOTO GALLERIES: Charmi lip lock with Aravind in public

Charmi lip lock with Aravind in public


Charmi is now acting in a new film titled ’16 Days’ where she has posed little more hot than usual. She is acting opposite a newcomer, Aravind in the film.

The film is a suspense thriller along the lines of ’Manthra’. Charmi is said to have done some daring exposing scenes in the film. She has also done a hot kissing scene in the film for which she charged the producer an extra two lakhs. The film is generating a lot of interest as Charmi has the capacity to pull in the crowds to the theatres.

For a fees of additional Rs 2 lacs, Actress Charmi, who is doing a movie titled "16 days" gave a lip locking kiss to a new face named Aravind. Aravind was found freezed with her kiss and said to have paid the producer that Rs 2 lacs from his pocket.Charmi is taking every opportunity to expose her body parts for additional money.Charmi aims to out perform Namitha and Nila and wanted to be identified as No 1 item in Kollywood!

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