PHOTO GALLERIES: Actress Kristen Stewart Wants 3-D Breaking Dawn

Actress Kristen Stewart Wants 3-D Breaking Dawn


Kristen Stewart wants 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' to be in 3-D.

The 20-year-old actress - who plays lead female character Bella Swan in the fantasy movie franchise - would like to see Bella experience a 3-D world when she becomes a vampire in the final film.

Kristen Stewart thinks the scene where she has to give birth may be better in 2-D.

She said: "I mean, the baby part, it's easy to joke about how weird it would be, but it wouldn't be the whole thing. It would be parts."

She told MTV News: "I'm really excited. I didn't want to read the script that was just one movie. It would have lacked so much because you couldn't cram the story into one. At least that was my opinion, so I'm really excited."

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